Sustainability Policies
Based on the Group’s vision, mission and core values, the Group adheres to the Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting Guide in Appendix 27 of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited issued by The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, and with reference to the GRI Standards issued by the Global Reporting Initiative (the “GRI”) in 2021 and the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (the “SDGs”).
Our sustainability policy applies to the Group and all of its subsidiaries. The Group’s business and customers are diversified, industry end-markets and business operations are broad. Therefore, we clearly and comprehensively explain the Company’s sustainable development goals to provide clear guidance for our business units and to provide top-down instructions and specify our commitment to all aspects of the Group’s business.
Sustainable Development Practice
We contribute to sustainable development, persist in innovative and high-quality development, actively respond to industry risks, as well as coordinate and promote tasks to create a high-performance business in order to enhance value and return for shareholders, customers, partners and relevant stakeholders.
Looking to the future, the Company will adhere to the “stay true and mindful” mission, continue to carry out scientific and technological innovation, improve product quality, undertake social responsibility, achieve ecological sustainable development and promote transformation and upgrading technology as needed.

Result Assessment and Reporting
In 2023, we have conducted a comprehensive analysis that incorporates input from The Company places a high importance on interactions with its various stakeholders. stakeholders through online questionnaires, industry benchmarking, mega trend analysis, and referencing sustainability standards such as GRI. We have updated and identified material topics that are crucial for the long-term social responsibility strategies of Impro Group. This process has allowed us to update our materiality topic portfolio. Among these topics, we have identified 14 issues with a high degree of materiality, 9 issues with a medium degree of materiality, and 2 issues with a low degree of materiality. In this report, we provide detailed information on the topics that are of high materiality, reflecting our commitment to transparency and accountability.

Through communication with stakeholders, we better understand stakeholders’ expectations and concerns. The feedback allows us to make more informed decisions, as well as better assess and manage our impact.
Indicators Monitoring and Review
We review and revise the Company’s sustainability policy regularly to ensure it fully covers the important sustainable development issues the Company encounters and that we are achieving our sustainable development goals.